Tips for Improving Your Slow-Smoked Brisket

I have a detialed, step-by-step procedure for cooking beef brisket that you can use if you follow the link… but here are a few additional tips that will take the beef over the top!

As far as the brisket goes, I like to cook a whole packer brisket. I always trim the majority of the fat off the point and flat. Some people don’t do this but I’ve had decent results, so I’m sticking with it.

I also inject my briskets with beef stock and finely ground rub. I’m planning on trying some of the Butcher’s injections in the near future but I haven’t experimented with any of them yet. (Also the Fab line of injections has been winning in my area of the country).

The trick with Brisket is to get it to the proper temperature internal. I take them to 200-205 and then rest them, wrapped up really well in aluminum foil and a towel, in a dry cooler. I smoke the brisket at 250 degrees for 4 hours then take an internal temp. It should be at 165 internal at this point. I then wrap it in foil with a little more of the injection (beef stock rub mixture) poured in the bottom for moisture. Also I reapply my dry rub at this point.

After wrapping place it back on the 250 degree smoker and cook until your probe reads 200-205 internal. Depending on the size of the brisket it may be 2 hours or as much as 6 hrs. I like to use 17-18 lb briskets cooking time is normally 8-10 hours.

After resting the brisket in the dry cooler, carefully unwrap the foil and catch any “juices” that are in the bottom. I place the brisket on a cutting board and separate the flat from the point. You can mix equal parts bbq sauce and pan drippings to make a sauce for the slices and burnt ends. I lightly brush the slices with the sauce and place the burnt ends in an aluminum food service pan, cover with sauce, and smoke for an hour.

Hope this helps with your brisket… and for a detailed beef brisket procedure, click the link.

Beef Brisket
Slow-Smoked Beef Brisket in Blindbox

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