KCBS Time Line and Cooking Schedule

I’ve had several questions about my KCBS cooking time line and schedule.

And since I always plan out my meat cook times, I have created a guide that I take with me to every BBQ Cooking contest. This will give you a good idea of when you are to put on which cut of meat so that it is ready at the right time for turn-ins.

KCBS Cooking Schedule
KCBS Cooking Time Line
It’s important to stick to a schedule at a bbq cook-off, but it’s not always easy. There are all kinds of factors that can get you in to trouble.

The biggest problem I have is socializing. It’s my own fault, but I enjoy moving around, shooting the breeze with old friends and making new friends at every contest. Of course a cold beverage always finds its’ way into my hand and before you know it, I’ve forgot to do something critical. This will put you behind the 8 ball in a hurry.

I’m not saying that it’s best to not socialize or have a tasty beverage, but it is important to have a guide to keep you on track.

Believe me anyone you are talking to will not mind if you have to run away to rotate racks or apply baste.

I uploaded this KCBS Cooking Schedule to my website yesterday and I am posting a link to it here. This is the exact time line I stick to when cooking in any KCBS contest. And since the turn-in times are always the same, it’s easy to create one schedule and keep it for every contest.

You can also download or print this KCBS Cook Time Line if you want to practice with it or use it for yourself.

And as always, email me if you have any questions!

Malcom Reed
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