Got a great question today…
Hey Malcom ! I appreciate all your valuable info you’ve given me from your website to the newsletters !!!
I do have a question for you though regarding your pork turn in box. You’ve stated that some judges like both pulled and sliced pork and you turn in both.
My question is what’s your method for the sliced pork?
Thanks again for your help and time; you’ve certainly helped me to become a better cook!
I’ve seen some teams out there actually take an electric knife and slice their butts – like it’s a turkey or a roast. But I’m not crazy about that, but I know a lot of teams out west and in Texas do it (it’s a regional thing).
When we turn in “sliced pork” it comes from the “money muscle” section of the butt. It’s the large muscle on the end opposite the bone. You can cut the muscle from the butt and then carefully slice it into 1 1/2″ pieces. (I’ve got a video and pictures about how to find the money muscle here).
Malcom Reed
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