Sweet & Sour Chicken Legs

Sweet & Sour Chicken Legs Recipe

Sweet & Sour Chicken Legs Recipe BBQ is a great activity to share with your kids – and this Sweet & Sour Chicken Legs is great to get them BBQing. It can be fun for the whole family and hopefully one day they can pass down what they’ve learned to their own children. For this recipe I’m teaching my son …

smoked chicken legs Big Green Egg

Smoked Chicken Legs Recipe on the Big Green Egg

Smoked Chicken Legs Recipe Smoked Chicken Legs on the grill is a quick and easy cook. Makes for a good dinner – kids love chicken legs! Or you could do it for a crowd because you can feed a lot of people with smoked chicken legs – and it’s hard to find someone who won’t eat a good drumstick. I …

Smoked Chicken Lollipops

Smoked Chicken Lollipops Recipe

Smoked Chicken Lollipops Recipe In the KCBS competition world skin-on, bone-in thighs are the norm for the chicken category. I’ve been turning in thighs for a while now, but many times last year, I heard of people winning the category with Smoked Chicken Lollipops. I knew that it had to be something special besides the traditional “drumstick”, so with a …