Smoked Prime Rib
BBQ Recipes

Smoked Prime Rib

I spend the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas cooking hundreds of hams, turkeys and even pork butts.

So when it comes time for the big Christmas meal, I look forward to one thing… Smoking a Whole Prime Rib.

This is something Chelle’s grandfather turned me on to a few years back. And it’s some of the best eatin’ your going to find. Forget what you know about prime rib, because you ain’t had one until you’ve had one smoked.

So here is the method I use… it’s pretty much just 4 steps:

Step #1: Choosing The Right Cut Of Prime Rib

Cut of Prime Rib

I start with a 5lb. Choice Grade Prime Rib.

You can spent different amounts on the cut – you can get a super expesive prime rib from your butcher… or you can go mid-end and pick one up at Sams’ Club or a speciality grocery store.

I always choose a prime rib that is well marbled with fat, because we all know that fat is what makes it juicy and flavorful.

If you’re trying to save money, you can pick a Select Grade Prime Rib… but just remember that Select won’t have as much marbling (and if you take it past medium done when you cook it, it won’t be fit to eat).

I also want to go with the bone-in Prime Rib. Not only does the bone help to keep the moisture in the meat, but anytime you cook meat on the bone, it will add more flavor.

Step# 2: Seasoning Your Prime Rib Before Smoking

Seasoned Prime Rib

A word to the wise… don’t skimp on the seasonings.

I’m not about to inject a Prime Rib because I want the internal flavor from the fat and the bone to create that beefy taste that good prime rib should have, but I do season the outside heavily.

First, I rub the outside with a little Olive Oil and then use a combination of:

A heavy coating of this seasoning will make a beautiful, crusty, delicious bark on the outside.

Step #3: Smoke Your Prime Rib

Prime Rib Being Smoked

Once you get your Prime Rib rubbed down, the next part is easy.

Get your smoker to 275 degrees and add a little wood. I use Cherry wood for a mild smoke flavor. A hardwood like Hickory or Oak can be used in moderation but too much smoke will over power the meat. If you’re going to go with something heavy only use a few chunks.

I also added a quartered sweet onion to my fire as well… just cause I like the flavor it gives meat – and I really like the way smoking onions smell.

The Prime Rib cooks at about 20 minutes per pound.

And I made sure I monitor the internal temp really closely… I did not want to overcook my Prime Rib. I suggest using an internal probe thermometer, like a DOT meat thermometer 

Step #4: Pull Your Prime Rib Off The Smoker and Rest

Prime Rib Wrapped in Aluminum Foil

Once the internal temp hit 130 degrees, I pull the prime rib off the smoker and let it rest. Large cuts of meat will always gain 5-10 degrees after being taken off the smoker.

Your Prime Rib will hit a perfect medium rare (135 internal) in about 15 minutes.

If you are aiming for medium you will pull your Prime Rib off the smoker at 135 internal (and let it gain 5 degree while it rests).

If you are aiming for medium well – which I don’t ever recommend – you will pull it off the smoker between 140 and 145.
Once you rest your prime rib for 15 – 30 minutes, it is time to eat.

Easy process that gives you one of the best prime ribs you will ever eat…

Slicing Prime Rib

Malcom Reed
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