bbq meatloaf

Barbecue Meatloaf Recipe

This is my recipe for bbq meatloaf — meat loaf with a barbecue flare.

Here’s what you’ll need for my smoked barbecue meatloaf recipe


– 2lbs Ground Chuck (I used the 80-20)
– 1lb Ground Pork
– 8oz Bread Crumbs
– 2 Eggs
– ¼ cup Half and Half
– ½ Red Bell Pepper
– 5-6 Green Onions
– 4 Cloves of Garlic
– 1 Rib of Celery
– 1 TBS Moore’s Original Marinade
– 2 TBS The BBQ Rub. (plus extra for the outside)
– Salt & Pepper to taste
– 2 Aluminum Loaf Pans
– Plastic Wrap

First you dice the vegetables then work it in with the ground beef, pork and seasonings. Then crack the two eggs and lightly beat them in a small bowl. Add the half and half to the eggs and whisk with a fork and add it to your mixture.

Work these ingredients by hand into the meat and vegetables until everything is combined and divide your meatloaf in half.

Then get your smoker to 275 degrees to smoke you barbecue meatloaf. Meatloaf can fall apart pretty easy due to moving it around too much, but to keep this from happening, I place them on one of my pork racks (you can get them here >>.


Spray the rack with cooking spray to keep the meatloaf from sticking and place it over a foil lined baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet, pork rack, and meatloaf directly on the cooking grate in the smoker. It will take approximately 2 hours at 275 degrees to get the meatloaf to an internal of 160. After 2 hours it is time to glaze your barbecue meatloaf.


To glaze, just brush on The BBQ Sauce to the top and sides of the meatloaf. It needs about 15 minutes to caramelize on the meatloaf and it’s done. Just like any meat coming off the smoker, give it a rest.


Now you’re ready to eat your Barbecue Smoked Meatloaf.


Malcom Reed
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