Beefer Steak

Beefer Steak Recipe

Beefer Steak Recipe

The Beefer is a top down, 1500 degree, cooking machine. It was designed to cook the perfect steak in a matter of minutes. Chefs all over the country have been cooking steaks with this technique for years, and now the Beefer makes it possible for everyone to do the same at home.

I invited Chef Chris Cooper out to the HowtoBBQRight headquarters to give me a first-hand look at how to properly cook a steak on the Beefer. After a quick set up and a run down on how the Beefer operates (you can watch that video here:), we were ready to start Beefing!

Beefer Steak

Coop brought a couple 1” thick ribeyes up to room temperature. The cooking process was simple. No seasoning, no marinade, just room temperature steak going under flame. He stressed the importance of not using a seasoning because of the extreme heat and likelihood of burning.

Beefer Steak

The fist steak was seared for about a 90 seconds and then carefully flipped. Once both sides had a sear he then moved it to the top of the unit were the internal temperature is gradually brought up close to desired doneness. The whole while he had a compound butter melting away in the bottom drip tray mixing with juices of the steak as it dripped below. The second ribeye received the same treatment and when internal reached about 115 degrees, each steak was seared again for 1 minute on each side to really give it a crust.

After a short rest on the cutting board, Coop sliced the steak and seasoned it with smoked sea salt that he made himself.

Beefer Steak

The steak butter was drizzled over the top and I had the pleasure of sampling a magnificently cooked ribeye. When you’re eating steak off the Beefer you taste the beef and that’s what this piece of cooking equipment is all about.

Beefer Steak

Malcom Reed
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Beefer Steak

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