Thermoworks DOT Review

Thermoworks DOT

DOT meat thermometer is a really simple meat probe that Does-One-Thing (DOT) – it monitors the internal temp of your meat. You can also set your target temp and it will alert you when it hits that internal.

For the price, you can’t beat it. ThermoWorks makes this product and they are the best thermometer company around. They make good-quality products and stand behind them.

I use my DOT all the time. You just set your target internal temp, put it in the thickest part of the meat (not touching bone) and let it cook.

With the DOT you don’t have to worry about over-shooting your meat and having it turn out dry or mushy. And you don’t have to worry about pulling it off too soon and having it be tough – or worse making folks sick.

There are two different DOT Thermometers to choose from:

You can check out The Original DOT here >> 

But Thermoworks just put out a Bluetooth DOT they are calling the BlueDOT that allows you to monitor the temps from your phone. You can check out the BlueDOT here >> 

I shot a quick video using the DOT while I was smoking a whole duck for you to check it out….

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