HowToBBQRight Podcast

Barbecue Questions & Answers with Malcom

HowToBBQRight Podcast Season 3: Episode 32

Barbecue Questions & Answers with Malcom

Malcom answers questions about moisture in wood, serving quality food for catering jobs, holding meat and his favorite cookers.

This week on the HowToBBQRight Podcast, we talk about Malcom’s experience as a Sonic cook (2:32), Swine Life’s Sausage and Cheese Dip (6:11) and we start answering listener’s biggest questions about BBQ (7:19).

Malcom answers questions about soaking wood (8:31), serving the highest quality of food when feeding a lot of people (11:22) why you need to “hold” your meat (17:58), how to cook something you’ve never cooked before (24:14), loading your smoker down with meat (26:14), injecting KCBS meats (28:22), why Malcom will never open a restaurant (34:32), who is using Malcom’s smoker Jolene the most (36:41), paper vs foil (38:16), lump vs briquettes (39:08), cleaning GrillGrates (49:18) and the smoker that taught Malcom the most (51:00).


About Malcom and Rachelle Reed

We started HowToBBQRight in 2007. We didn’t know what we were doing… but Malcom loved to cook BBQ and I knew just enough about designing a website to build one.

Now we sell our own line of Killer Hogs BBQ Products and create weekly recipes for our HowToBBQRight YouTube Channel and website – and now we’re doing a Podcast! To us, it’s all about cooking delicious food and taking pride in everything we cook.


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For Media Requests Contact Rachelle at [email protected]

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