You have to walk a thin line when your trying to enjoy The Jack to the fullest… and trying to turn-in your best barbecue. I’ve wanted to cook The Jack for a while now – and while we didn’t get any calls at this contest – I still got to live the dream. There isn’t much information about The Jack …
Jack Daniels sent me a video
I just got this video emailed to me from Jack Daniels. I’m pretty sure they sent it to everyone in the contest, but it’s still cool to get an email from the distillery. I thought the video they sent was worth posting because it makes me even more excited to go. PLUS… I got my white “Boss Hog” suit. So …
Gearing Up For The Jack! Jack Daniel’s 2012 World Championship Invitational Barbecue, that is…
Ever since I started cooking competition BBQ over a decade ago I’ve wanted to cook The Jack. To me it’s kinda like the mecca of BBQ contests. A while back, Waylon bought me a Jack Daniel’s apron he found on BBQ clearance at the end of summer. We’ve kept it around since then as a “good luck charm”… and it …