This is a recipe that goes great for tailgate parties or when you’re having friends over for the big game. It takes a little prep time but the end result is well worth it. Here’s what you’ll need. 2lbs Chicken Thighs 1lb Bacon 8oz Cream Cheese 8 Jalapeno Peppers (whole) 16oz Hot Wing Sauce I used whole skin-on chicken thighs …
Smoked Prime Rib
I spend the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas cooking hundreds of hams, turkeys and even pork butts. So when it comes time for the big Christmas meal, I look forward to one thing… Smoking a Whole Prime Rib. This is something Chelle’s grandfather turned me on to a few years back. And it’s some of the best eatin’ …
Smoked Nuts for Christmas Gifts
Here’s a quick treat that’s good for the holidays or just for snacking… Smoked Nuts I use pecans, almonds, or cashews for this recipe, it’s prepared on the smoker, and it makes a great gift too. Here’s what you’ll need: 1 pound of nuts (Pecan halves, almonds or Cashews) 4 Tablespoons Butter 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce 2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar …
Cold Smoked Cheese Recipe
Who doesn’t love getting gifts that have been smoked? Smoked Cheese is one item that I find myself doing once it gets cold outside and it makes a great Christmas gift. It’s fairly easy to prepare smoked cheese at home, but there’s a few things you need to know. The first thing is Cold Smoking. It’s basically producing good, clean …
Smoking A Whole Turkey for Thanksgiving
One thing I’ve learned over the years about smoking poultry is that you need to do it with a higher heat for a shorter amount of time. This helps get the skin a nice, golden color… keep the meat moist… and create the best smoked turkey possible. I personally like to smoke my turkeys around 275 – 300 degrees for 3 …
Smoking a Fresh Ham
There is a difference between smoking a fresh ham (or a “green ham”)- which is going to give you something more like barbecue. And smoking a cured ham – which is going to give you a more traditional Thanksgiving “Ham”. But if you want to smoke a fresh ham, I cook it just like I cook a whole shoulder. Hams are …
Seasoning a Brisket
When cooked right, brisket is probably my favorite KCBS competition meats. And this year, I’ve gotten my technique and flavors down. Landed in the top 10 pretty much every time I’ve cooked. It’s good stuff… But I had someone ask me this week how I season my brisket before putting it on the smoker. And I’m happy to share… After trimming I rinse it off …
Curing My Own Bacon
Curing and smoking a fresh side of bacon is on my to do list for the next few weeks. I like to use a maple brown sugar cure and soak the fresh pork belly for 4 days. Once it comes out of the brine it needs to to sit and air dry for 30-45 minutes. Then it’s ready for the …
Smoked Turkey Legs
I had a request for this recipe not too long ago, and since everyone’s mind is on Turkey this time of year, I thought it was a perfect time to share it. Smoked Turkey legs are quick and easy to prepare plus they’re inexpensive. You’ve probably seen them for sale at fairs, carnivals, or even sporting events because they make …
Cooking for Benefits and Fundraisers
Lately I’ve had a lot of people asking me about cooking full loads on their smokers for benefits and fundraisers. And I’m happy to help out with information here. Especially when you are raising money for someone in need or to help kids raise money. It will take a little longer to cook a full load on any cooker, …
KCBS Chicken
The 2 biggest questions about cooking KCBS Chicken 1. Does it matter if the thighs are bone-in or de-boned? I’ve done it both ways; the bone-in thighs score higher for me and I’ve always said that meat cooked on the bone just has better taste. The de-boned method produces a good looking entry, but I’m seeing a lot of judges …
Choosing and Cutting the Perfect Rib
Had a great question today about finding that perfect slab of ribs… I am having an issue when i go to cut the ribs about they are ready?Any tips on what to do? How to get enough meat on them? Do you leave meat on both sides or just one? What do you look for when you are getting ready to …
Pre-Plan For Smoking A Whole Hog…
Had a question from Jim a few days ago about the planning that goes into smoking a whole hog… and it actually is the reason I decided to do my newsletter on whole hog this week. It’s all about getting ready to serve your hog before you ever start cooking it. Just a little pre-planning goes a long way when …
Sausage and Cheese Plate… a Memphis Tradition
If you’re looking for a quick appetizer that can be prepared on a smoker or grill, then this recipe is perfect for you. The Sausage and Cheese Plate is a staple at just about every BBQ joint in Memphis; it’s one of my favorite things to order when I’m in the mood for restaurant Q; and it goes perfect with …
My BLT Burger
We’ve been getting some great tomatoes this past month from family and friends that are growing them. And homegrown tomatoes are the best tomatoes you can get. So we’ve been eating a few BLTs this month. But the other day, I wanted to try something different, so I decided to make a BLT Burger. It’s really just a grilled burger …